jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

SunSmart Antichoque universal Funda de bolso de la manga del ordenador portátil de 15.4 pulgadas para todos de 15.4 pulgadas portátil / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air de 15.4''(azul)

SunSmart Antichoque universal Funda de bolso de la manga del ordenador portátil de 15.4 pulgadas para todos de 15.4 pulgadas portátil / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air de 15.4''(azul)
SunSmart Antichoque universal Funda de bolso de la manga del ordenador portátil de 15.4 pulgadas para todos de 15.4 pulgadas portátil / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air de 15.4''(azul) [Ordenador personal]

La abertura de la cremallera pequeño en la parte inferior derecha de la bolsa está especialmente diseñado para cargar su ordenador portátil sin sacarlo.,El exterior de la funda está hecha de tela de lycra Dupont y el cojín a prueba de golpes en el patrón de diamante que asegura la manga una fuerte capacidad anti-choque y hace que sea resistente al agua, resistente a los golpes y al polvo.,La capa de terciopelo pila dentro de la funda se siente muy suave y bien puede proteger su equipo de los arañazos y rasguños.,Diseño preciso garantiza un ajuste perfecto para todos los ordenadores portátiles de 15.4 pulgadas incluyendo Macbook Pro de 15.4 pulgadas y MacBook Air de 15.4 pulgadas.,Diseño delgado y ligero sin asas hace que sea conveniente para ponerlo en tu backbag, maletín y cualesquiera otras bolsas.


La manga de la forma-guarnición se puede utilizar para todos los portátiles con pantalla de 15.4 pulgadas y así proteger su ordenador portátil de arañazos accidentales o golpes.
El material respetuoso del medio ambiente aplicado en la manga es durable y ligero, sin mal olor, y la capa de terciopelo de pelo es tan suave y cómoda que puede proporcionar una protección omnibearing para su computadora portátil.
La abertura de la cremallera pequeño en la parte inferior derecha de la bolsa está especialmente diseñado para cargar su ordenador portátil sin sacarlo.
Sin asas, la manga puede ser fácilmente arrojó en otras bolsas, y la bolsa entre está diseñado para la celebración de su adaptador.
Alto diseño elástico de la fibra integrado con forma de diamante y la tecnología de costura sin fisuras de prensado en caliente que proporciona una experiencia de usuario excelente.
Las cremalleras de la manga corren bastante bien sin dañar su computadora portátil.
Cada parte de la funda está fabricada con precisión y con prudencia.
El innovador diseño de patrón de diamante crea un estilo clásico y de moda que muestra perfectamente nuestras exquisitas artesanías y su gusto refinado.


Longitud: 39cm
Ancho: 28cm
Altura: 3cm
Materiales: SBR lycra y terciopelo pila

Compra en confianza:

Garantía de un año
7 días 24 horas de servicio al cliente
Control de calidad antes de que los artículos se envían, ahorrando su tiempo!

SunSmart Anti-shock Universal 15.4 inch Laptop sleeve bag case pouch for all 15.4-inch Notebook/Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air 15.4'' (blue) [Personal Computer]

The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.,The exterior of the sleeve is made of Dupont lycra fabric and shockproof cushion in diamond pattern which ensures the sleeve a strong anti-shock ability and makes it waterproof, shockproof and dust-proof.,The pile velour layer inside the sleeve feels extremely soft and can well protect your computer from any scrapes and scratches.,Precise design ensures a perfect fit for all laptops of 15.4 inch including Macbook Pro 15.4 inch and Macbook Air 15.4 inch.,Slim and lightweight design without handles makes it convenient to put it in your backbag, briefcase and any other bags.


The form-fitting sleeve can be used for all notebooks with 15.4 inch screen and well protect your laptop from accidental scratches or bumps.
The eco-friendly material applied in the sleeve is durable and lightweight with no bad odor, and the pile velour layer is so soft and comfortable that can provide an omnibearing protection for your laptop.
The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.
Without handles, the sleeve can be easily tossed into other bags, and the inter bag is designed for holding your adapter.
High elastic fiber integrated design with diamond pattern and hot-pressing seamless stitching technology provide you an excellent user experience.
The zippers of the sleeve run quite smoothly without damaging your notebook computer.
Every part of the sleeve is manufactured precisely and prudently.
The innovative diamond pattern design creates a classic and fashionable style which perfectly shows our exquisite handcrafts and your refined taste.


Materials: lycra SBR and pile velour

Buy in confidence:

One year warranty
7 days 24 hours customer service
Quality Check before the items are shipped, saving your time!

SunSmart Anti-shock universale della cassa del sacchetto del manicotto del computer portatile da 15.4 pollici per tutti da 15.4 pollici per notebook / Macbook Pro 15.4 '' / Macbook Air 15.4 '' (blu) [Personal Computer]

La piccola apertura della cerniera in basso a destra della borsa è specificamente progettato per ricaricare il portatile senza ottenere fuori.,L'esterno del manicotto è fatto di Dupont tessuto lycra e cuscino antiurto in disegno a rombi che assicura la manica una forte capacità anti-shock e lo rende impermeabile, resistente agli urti e alla polvere.,Lo strato pila velluto all'interno del manicotto si sente estremamente morbido e può ben proteggere il computer da eventuali graffi e dalla polvere.,Il design accurato assicura una vestibilità perfetta per tutti i computer portatili di 15.4 pollici con MacBook Pro da 15.4 pollici e MacBook Air da 15.4 pollici.,Design sottile e leggero senza maniglie lo rende comodo da mettere nel vostro backbag, valigetta e tutte le altre borse.


Il manicotto sagomata può essere utilizzato per tutti i notebook con schermo da 15.4 pollici e ben proteggere il vostro computer portatile da graffi accidentali o urti.
Il materiale eco-friendly applicata nella manica è durevole e leggero, senza cattivo odore, e lo strato di pelo velluto è così morbido e confortevole in grado di fornire una protezione omnibearing per il vostro laptop.
La piccola apertura della cerniera in basso a destra della borsa è specificamente progettato per ricaricare il portatile senza ottenere fuori.
Senza maniglie, il manicotto può essere facilmente gettato in altre borse, e l'inter borsa è stata progettata per contenere la scheda.
Alta fibra design integrato elastico con motivo a rombi e la tecnologia di cucitura senza soluzione di continuità a caldo forniscono un'eccellente esperienza utente.
Le cerniere del manicotto di eseguire senza intoppi, senza danneggiare il computer portatile.
Ogni parte del manicotto è fabbricato con precisione e prudenza.
L'innovativo design pattern diamante crea uno stile classico e alla moda che mostra perfettamente i nostri artigianato squisiti e il vostro gusto raffinato.

Caratteristiche tecniche:

Lunghezza: 39cm
Larghezza: 28cm
Altezza: 3cm
Materiali: lycra SBR e pila velluto

Acquista in sicurezza:

Un anno di garanzia
7 giorni 24 ore servizio clienti
Verifica della qualità prima gli articoli sono spedetti, salvare il vostro tempo!

SunSmart Anti-choc Universal 15.4 pouces sac Laptop Sleeve Housse pour tous les 15.4 pouces pour ordinateur portable / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air 15.4'' (bleu) [Personal Computer]

La petite ouverture à glissière en bas à droite du sac est spécialement conçu pour charger votre ordinateur portable sans le sortir.,L'extérieur du manchon est fait de Dupont lycra et le coussin antichoc en losange qui assure le manchon une forte capacité anti-choc et le rend étanche, antichoc et à la poussière.,La couche pile de velours à l'intérieur de la douille se sent extrêmement souple et peut ainsi protéger votre ordinateur contre toutes les éraflures et les rayures.,Conception précise assure un ajustement parfait pour tous les ordinateurs portables de 15.4 pouces Macbook Pro 15.4 y compris pouces et 15.4 pouces Macbook Air.,Conception mince et léger sans poignées, il est commode de le mettre dans votre sac à dos, porte-documents et tous les autres sacs.


Le manchon moulant peut être utilisé pour tous les ordinateurs portables avec écran de 15.4 pouces et ainsi protéger votre ordinateur portable de rayures ou de chocs accidentels.
Le matériau écologique appliqué dans le manchon est durable et léger avec aucune mauvaise odeur, et la couche pile de velours est si doux et confortable qui peut fournir une protection de omnidirection pour votre ordinateur portable.
La petite ouverture à glissière en bas à droite du sac est spécialement conçu pour charger votre ordinateur portable sans le sortir.
Sans poignées, le manchon peut être facilement jeté dans d'autres sacs, et le sac inter est conçu pour la tenue de votre adaptateur.
Haute élastique fibre conception intégrée avec motif diamant et de la technologie de couture sans couture de pressage à chaud vous fournir une excellente expérience utilisateur.
Les fermetures à glissière de la douille fonctionnent sans heurts, sans endommager votre ordinateur portable.
Chaque partie de la manche est fabriqué avec précision et prudence.
La conception de modèle de diamant innovant crée un style classique et à la mode qui montre parfaitement à nos artisanat exquis et de votre goût raffiné.


Longueur: 39cm
Largeur: 28cm
Hauteur: 3cm
Matériaux: lycra SBR et pile velours

Acheter en toute confiance:

Garantie d'un an
7 jours 24 heures de service à la clientèle
Contrôle de la qualité avant que les articles sont embarqués, sauver votre temps!

SunSmart Anti-Schock-Universal-15.4-Zoll-Macbook-Hülsen-Beutel-Kastenbeutel für Macbook Pro 15.4'' / MacBook Air 15.4'' (blau) [Computer & Zubehör]

Die kleine Reißverschlussöffnung an der rechten unteren Ecke des Beutels ist speziell für das Aufladen Ihres Laptops, ohne es heraus gestaltet.,Die Außenseite der Hülle ist aus Dupont Lycra und stoßfest Kissen in Rautenmuster, die dem Hülse sorgt für eine starke Anti-Schock-Fähigkeit und macht es wasserdicht, stoßfest und staubdicht gemacht.,Der Flor Velours Schicht im Inneren der Hülse fühlt sich extrem weich und kann auch von allen Kratzern und Schrammen zu schützen Ihren Computer.,Präzises Design sorgt für eine perfekte Passform für alle Notebooks von 15.4 Zoll einschließlich Macbook Pro 15.4 Zoll und 15.4 Zoll Macbook Air.,Schlank und leichtes Design ohne Griffe macht es bequem, um es in Ihren Rucksack, Aktenkoffer und andere Taschen legen.


Die formschlüssige Hülle für MacBook Air 15.4 Zoll und Macbook Pro 15.4 Zoll und andere 15.4 Zoll-Notebooks, die so dünn wie Macbooks sind, verwendet werden und gut schützen Sie Ihren Laptop aus versehentliche Kratzer oder Beulen.
Die in der Hülse aufgebracht umweltfreundliches Material ist langlebig und leicht ohne schlechten Geruch, und der Stapel Veloursschicht , so weich und bequem, die eine omnibearing Schutz für Ihren Laptop zur Verfügung stellen können.
Die kleine Reißverschlussöffnung an der rechten unteren Ecke des Beutels ist speziell für das Aufladen Ihres Laptops, ohne es heraus gestaltet.
Ohne Griffe kann die Hülse leicht in andere Taschen geworfen werden, und die inter Tasche ist für die Durchführung Ihrer Adapter konzipiert.
Hohe elastische Faser integriert Design mit Rautenmuster und Heißpressen nahtlose Hefttechnologie bieten Ihnen eine hervorragende Benutzererfahrung.
Die Reißverschlüsse der Hülse ganz reibungslos ablaufen, ohne dass Ihre Notebook-Computer.
Jeder Teil der Hülse wird präzise und umsichtig gefertigt.
Das innovative Rautendesign creats eine klassische und moderne Art, die perfekt zeigt unser exquisites Kunsthandwerk und Ihre raffinierten Geschmack.


Länge: 39cm
Breite: 28cm
Höhe: 3cm
Materialien: Lycra SBR und Pfahl Velours

Kauf im Vertrauen:

Ein Jahr Garantie
7 Tage 24 Stunden-Kundenservice
Qualität vor die Einzelteile versendet, spart Ihre Zeit!

SunSmart Anti-shock Universal 15.4 inch Laptop sleeve bag case pouch for all 15.4-inch Notebook/Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air 15.4'' (blue) [Personal Computer]

The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.,The exterior of the sleeve is made of Dupont lycra fabric and shockproof cushion in diamond pattern which ensures the sleeve a strong anti-shock ability and makes it waterproof, shockproof and dust-proof.,The pile velour layer inside the sleeve feels extremely soft and can well protect your computer from any scrapes and scratches.,Precise design ensures a perfect fit for all laptops of 15.4 inch including Macbook Pro 15.4 inch and Macbook Air 15.4 inch.,Slim and lightweight design without handles makes it convenient to put it in your backbag, briefcase and any other bags.


The form-fitting sleeve can be used for all notebooks with 15.4 inch screen and well protect your laptop from accidental scratches or bumps.
The eco-friendly material applied in the sleeve is durable and lightweight with no bad odor, and the pile velour layer is so soft and comfortable that can provide an omnibearing protection for your laptop.
The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.
Without handles, the sleeve can be easily tossed into other bags, and the inter bag is designed for holding your adapter.
High elastic fiber integrated design with diamond pattern and hot-pressing seamless stitching technology provide you an excellent user experience.
The zippers of the sleeve run quite smoothly without damaging your notebook computer.
Every part of the sleeve is manufactured precisely and prudently.
The innovative diamond pattern design creates a classic and fashionable style which perfectly shows our exquisite handcrafts and your refined taste.


Materials: lycra SBR and pile velour

Buy in confidence:

One year warranty
7 days 24 hours customer service
Quality Check before the items are shipped, saving your time!

HP 250 G4 i5-6200U/HD520/8GB/1TB/15.6"/FreeDos Negro - Portátil

HP 250 G4 i5-6200U/HD520/8GB/1TB/15.6"/FreeDos Negro - Portátil [Ordenador personal]

HP 250 G4 i5-6200U/HD520/8GB/1TB/15.6"/FreeDos Negro

HP 250 G4 i5-6200U/HD520/8GB/1TB/15.6"/FreeDos Negro

HP 250 G4 I 5-6200U HD520 4GB///1 TB/15,6 ""/FreeDos-Portà ¡til Nero [Personal Computer]

HP I 250/G4 5-6200U HD520/8GB/1 TB/15,6" FreeDos Noir-Portà ¡til [Personal Computer]

SunSmart Antichoque universal Funda de bolso de la manga del ordenador portátil de 15.4 pulgadas para todos de 15.4 pulgadas portátil / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air de 15.4''(rosa)

SunSmart Antichoque universal Funda de bolso de la manga del ordenador portátil de 15.4 pulgadas para todos de 15.4 pulgadas portátil / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air de 15.4''(rosa)
SunSmart Antichoque universal Funda de bolso de la manga del ordenador portátil de 15.4 pulgadas para todos de 15.4 pulgadas portátil / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air de 15.4''(rosa) [Ordenador personal]

La abertura de la cremallera pequeño en la parte inferior derecha de la bolsa está especialmente diseñado para cargar su ordenador portátil sin sacarlo.,El exterior de la funda está hecha de tela de lycra Dupont y el cojín a prueba de golpes en el patrón de diamante que asegura la manga una fuerte capacidad anti-choque y hace que sea resistente al agua, resistente a los golpes y al polvo.,La capa de terciopelo pila dentro de la funda se siente muy suave y bien puede proteger su equipo de los arañazos y rasguños.,Diseño preciso garantiza un ajuste perfecto para todos los ordenadores portátiles de 15.4 pulgadas incluyendo Macbook Pro de 15.4 pulgadas y MacBook Air de 15.4 pulgadas.,Diseño delgado y ligero sin asas hace que sea conveniente para ponerlo en tu backbag, maletín y cualesquiera otras bolsas.


La manga de la forma-guarnición se puede utilizar para todos los portátiles con pantalla de 15.4 pulgadas y así proteger su ordenador portátil de arañazos accidentales o golpes.
El material respetuoso del medio ambiente aplicado en la manga es durable y ligero, sin mal olor, y la capa de terciopelo de pelo es tan suave y cómoda que puede proporcionar una protección omnibearing para su computadora portátil.
La abertura de la cremallera pequeño en la parte inferior derecha de la bolsa está especialmente diseñado para cargar su ordenador portátil sin sacarlo.
Sin asas, la manga puede ser fácilmente arrojó en otras bolsas, y la bolsa entre está diseñado para la celebración de su adaptador.
Alto diseño elástico de la fibra integrado con forma de diamante y la tecnología de costura sin fisuras de prensado en caliente que proporciona una experiencia de usuario excelente.
Las cremalleras de la manga corren bastante bien sin dañar su computadora portátil.
Cada parte de la funda está fabricada con precisión y con prudencia.
El innovador diseño de patrón de diamante crea un estilo clásico y de moda que muestra perfectamente nuestras exquisitas artesanías y su gusto refinado.


Longitud: 39cm
Ancho: 28cm
Altura: 3cm
Materiales: SBR lycra y terciopelo pila

Compra en confianza:

Garantía de un año
7 días 24 horas de servicio al cliente
Control de calidad antes de que los artículos se envían, ahorrando su tiempo!

SunSmart Anti-shock Universal 15.4 inch Laptop sleeve bag case pouch for all 15.4-inch Notebook/Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air 15.4'' (pink) [Personal Computer]

The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.,The exterior of the sleeve is made of Dupont lycra fabric and shockproof cushion in diamond pattern which ensures the sleeve a strong anti-shock ability and makes it waterproof, shockproof and dust-proof.,The pile velour layer inside the sleeve feels extremely soft and can well protect your computer from any scrapes and scratches.,Precise design ensures a perfect fit for all laptops of 15.4 inch including Macbook Pro 15.4 inch and Macbook Air 15.4 inch.,Slim and lightweight design without handles makes it convenient to put it in your backbag, briefcase and any other bags.


The form-fitting sleeve can be used for all notebooks with 15.4 inch screen and well protect your laptop from accidental scratches or bumps.
The eco-friendly material applied in the sleeve is durable and lightweight with no bad odor, and the pile velour layer is so soft and comfortable that can provide an omnibearing protection for your laptop.
The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.
Without handles, the sleeve can be easily tossed into other bags, and the inter bag is designed for holding your adapter.
High elastic fiber integrated design with diamond pattern and hot-pressing seamless stitching technology provide you an excellent user experience.
The zippers of the sleeve run quite smoothly without damaging your notebook computer.
Every part of the sleeve is manufactured precisely and prudently.
The innovative diamond pattern design creates a classic and fashionable style which perfectly shows our exquisite handcrafts and your refined taste.


Materials: lycra SBR and pile velour

Buy in confidence:

One year warranty
7 days 24 hours customer service
Quality Check before the items are shipped, saving your time!

SunSmart Anti-shock universale della cassa del sacchetto del manicotto del computer portatile da 15.4 pollici per tutti da 15.4 pollici per notebook / Macbook Pro 15.4 '' / Macbook Air 15.4 '' (rosa) [Personal Computer]

La piccola apertura della cerniera in basso a destra della borsa è specificamente progettato per ricaricare il portatile senza ottenere fuori.,L'esterno del manicotto è fatto di Dupont tessuto lycra e cuscino antiurto in disegno a rombi che assicura la manica una forte capacità anti-shock e lo rende impermeabile, resistente agli urti e alla polvere.,Lo strato pila velluto all'interno del manicotto si sente estremamente morbido e può ben proteggere il computer da eventuali graffi e dalla polvere.,Il design accurato assicura una vestibilità perfetta per tutti i computer portatili di 15.4 pollici con MacBook Pro da 15.4 pollici e MacBook Air da 15.4 pollici.,Design sottile e leggero senza maniglie lo rende comodo da mettere nel vostro backbag, valigetta e tutte le altre borse.


Il manicotto sagomata può essere utilizzato per tutti i notebook con schermo da 15.4 pollici e ben proteggere il vostro computer portatile da graffi accidentali o urti.
Il materiale eco-friendly applicata nella manica è durevole e leggero, senza cattivo odore, e lo strato di pelo velluto è così morbido e confortevole in grado di fornire una protezione omnibearing per il vostro laptop.
La piccola apertura della cerniera in basso a destra della borsa è specificamente progettato per ricaricare il portatile senza ottenere fuori.
Senza maniglie, il manicotto può essere facilmente gettato in altre borse, e l'inter borsa è stata progettata per contenere la scheda.
Alta fibra design integrato elastico con motivo a rombi e la tecnologia di cucitura senza soluzione di continuità a caldo forniscono un'eccellente esperienza utente.
Le cerniere del manicotto di eseguire senza intoppi, senza danneggiare il computer portatile.
Ogni parte del manicotto è fabbricato con precisione e prudenza.
L'innovativo design pattern diamante crea uno stile classico e alla moda che mostra perfettamente i nostri artigianato squisiti e il vostro gusto raffinato.

Caratteristiche tecniche:

Lunghezza: 39cm
Larghezza: 28cm
Altezza: 3cm
Materiali: lycra SBR e pila velluto

Acquista in sicurezza:

Un anno di garanzia
7 giorni 24 ore servizio clienti
Verifica della qualità prima gli articoli sono spedetti, salvare il vostro tempo!

SunSmart Anti-choc Universal 15.4 pouces sac Laptop Sleeve Housse pour tous les 15.4 pouces pour ordinateur portable / Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air 15.4'' (rose) [Personal Computer]

La petite ouverture à glissière en bas à droite du sac est spécialement conçu pour charger votre ordinateur portable sans le sortir.,L'extérieur du manchon est fait de Dupont lycra et le coussin antichoc en losange qui assure le manchon une forte capacité anti-choc et le rend étanche, antichoc et à la poussière.,La couche pile de velours à l'intérieur de la douille se sent extrêmement souple et peut ainsi protéger votre ordinateur contre toutes les éraflures et les rayures.,Conception précise assure un ajustement parfait pour tous les ordinateurs portables de 15.4 pouces Macbook Pro 15.4 y compris pouces et 15.4 pouces Macbook Air.,Conception mince et léger sans poignées, il est commode de le mettre dans votre sac à dos, porte-documents et tous les autres sacs.


Le manchon moulant peut être utilisé pour tous les ordinateurs portables avec écran de 15.4 pouces et ainsi protéger votre ordinateur portable de rayures ou de chocs accidentels.
Le matériau écologique appliqué dans le manchon est durable et léger avec aucune mauvaise odeur, et la couche pile de velours est si doux et confortable qui peut fournir une protection de omnidirection pour votre ordinateur portable.
La petite ouverture à glissière en bas à droite du sac est spécialement conçu pour charger votre ordinateur portable sans le sortir.
Sans poignées, le manchon peut être facilement jeté dans d'autres sacs, et le sac inter est conçu pour la tenue de votre adaptateur.
Haute élastique fibre conception intégrée avec motif diamant et de la technologie de couture sans couture de pressage à chaud vous fournir une excellente expérience utilisateur.
Les fermetures à glissière de la douille fonctionnent sans heurts, sans endommager votre ordinateur portable.
Chaque partie de la manche est fabriqué avec précision et prudence.
La conception de modèle de diamant innovant crée un style classique et à la mode qui montre parfaitement à nos artisanat exquis et de votre goût raffiné.


Longueur: 39cm
Largeur: 28cm
Hauteur: 3cm
Matériaux: lycra SBR et pile velours

Acheter en toute confiance:

Garantie d'un an
7 jours 24 heures de service à la clientèle
Contrôle de la qualité avant que les articles sont embarqués, sauver votre temps!

SunSmart Anti-Schock-Universal-15.4-Zoll-Macbook-Hülsen-Beutel-Kastenbeutel für Macbook Pro 15.4'' / MacBook Air 15.4'' (rosa) [Computer & Zubehör]

Die kleine Reißverschlussöffnung an der rechten unteren Ecke des Beutels ist speziell für das Aufladen Ihres Laptops, ohne es heraus gestaltet.,Die Außenseite der Hülle ist aus Dupont Lycra und stoßfest Kissen in Rautenmuster, die dem Hülse sorgt für eine starke Anti-Schock-Fähigkeit und macht es wasserdicht, stoßfest und staubdicht gemacht.,Der Flor Velours Schicht im Inneren der Hülse fühlt sich extrem weich und kann auch von allen Kratzern und Schrammen zu schützen Ihren Computer.,Präzises Design sorgt für eine perfekte Passform für alle Notebooks von 15.4 Zoll einschließlich Macbook Pro 15.4 Zoll und 15.4 Zoll Macbook Air.,Schlank und leichtes Design ohne Griffe macht es bequem, um es in Ihren Rucksack, Aktenkoffer und andere Taschen legen.


Die formschlüssige Hülle für MacBook Air 15.4 Zoll und Macbook Pro 15.4 Zoll und andere 15.4 Zoll-Notebooks, die so dünn wie Macbooks sind, verwendet werden und gut schützen Sie Ihren Laptop aus versehentliche Kratzer oder Beulen.
Die in der Hülse aufgebracht umweltfreundliches Material ist langlebig und leicht ohne schlechten Geruch, und der Stapel Veloursschicht , so weich und bequem, die eine omnibearing Schutz für Ihren Laptop zur Verfügung stellen können.
Die kleine Reißverschlussöffnung an der rechten unteren Ecke des Beutels ist speziell für das Aufladen Ihres Laptops, ohne es heraus gestaltet.
Ohne Griffe kann die Hülse leicht in andere Taschen geworfen werden, und die inter Tasche ist für die Durchführung Ihrer Adapter konzipiert.
Hohe elastische Faser integriert Design mit Rautenmuster und Heißpressen nahtlose Hefttechnologie bieten Ihnen eine hervorragende Benutzererfahrung.
Die Reißverschlüsse der Hülse ganz reibungslos ablaufen, ohne dass Ihre Notebook-Computer.
Jeder Teil der Hülse wird präzise und umsichtig gefertigt.
Das innovative Rautendesign creats eine klassische und moderne Art, die perfekt zeigt unser exquisites Kunsthandwerk und Ihre raffinierten Geschmack.


Länge: 39cm
Breite: 28cm
Höhe: 3cm
Materialien: Lycra SBR und Pfahl Velours

Kauf im Vertrauen:

Ein Jahr Garantie
7 Tage 24 Stunden-Kundenservice
Qualität vor die Einzelteile versendet, spart Ihre Zeit!

SunSmart Anti-shock Universal 15.4 inch Laptop sleeve bag case pouch for all 15.4-inch Notebook/Macbook Pro 15.4'' / Macbook Air 15.4'' (pink) [Personal Computer]

The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.,The exterior of the sleeve is made of Dupont lycra fabric and shockproof cushion in diamond pattern which ensures the sleeve a strong anti-shock ability and makes it waterproof, shockproof and dust-proof.,The pile velour layer inside the sleeve feels extremely soft and can well protect your computer from any scrapes and scratches.,Precise design ensures a perfect fit for all laptops of 15.4 inch including Macbook Pro 15.4 inch and Macbook Air 15.4 inch.,Slim and lightweight design without handles makes it convenient to put it in your backbag, briefcase and any other bags.


The form-fitting sleeve can be used for all notebooks with 15.4 inch screen and well protect your laptop from accidental scratches or bumps.
The eco-friendly material applied in the sleeve is durable and lightweight with no bad odor, and the pile velour layer is so soft and comfortable that can provide an omnibearing protection for your laptop.
The small zipper opening at the bottom right of the bag is specifically designed for charging your laptop without getting it out.
Without handles, the sleeve can be easily tossed into other bags, and the inter bag is designed for holding your adapter.
High elastic fiber integrated design with diamond pattern and hot-pressing seamless stitching technology provide you an excellent user experience.
The zippers of the sleeve run quite smoothly without damaging your notebook computer.
Every part of the sleeve is manufactured precisely and prudently.
The innovative diamond pattern design creates a classic and fashionable style which perfectly shows our exquisite handcrafts and your refined taste.


Materials: lycra SBR and pile velour

Buy in confidence:

One year warranty
7 days 24 hours customer service
Quality Check before the items are shipped, saving your time!

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

ASUS R510VX-DM169D - Ordenador portátil de 15.6" FullHD (Intel Core i5-6300 HQ Quad-Core, 8 GB de RAM, HDD de 1 TB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M, Free DOS), azul y gris mate - Teclado QWERTY Español

ASUS R510VX-DM169D - Ordenador portátil de 15.6" FullHD (Intel Core i5-6300 HQ Quad-Core, 8 GB de RAM, HDD de 1 TB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M, Free DOS), azul y gris mate - Teclado QWERTY Español [Ordenador personal]

Procesador Intel Core i5-6300HQ Quad-Core (6M Cache, 2.3 GHz hasta 3.2 GHz),Memoria RAM de 8 GB, DDR4 2133 MHz,Disco duro HDD de 1 TB 5400rpm SATA,Gráficos NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M,Sin sistema operativo

ASUS-r510 Vx DM169D-PC portatile 15,6 "", Intel Core i 5-6300 HQ-Quad Core, 8 GB di RAM, 1 TB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M, Free due), blu, grigio opaco-Tastiera QWERTY spagnolo [Personal Computer]

Processore: Intel Core i 5-6300HQ Quad-Core (Cache 6 m, 2,3 GHz fino a 3,2 GHz,Memoria RAM, 8 GB, DDR4 2133 MHz,Hard Disk Da 1 TB SATA HDD 5400rpm,Grafica NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M,Senza sistema operativo

ASUS-r510 Vx DM169D ordinateur portable 15,6" Intel Core i (5-6300 HQ Quad-Core i7 8GB de RAM 1TB HDD NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M Free deux) Bleu et gris-mate-clavier espagnol QWERTY [Personal Computer]

Processeur Intel Core i 5-6300HQ Quad Core (Cache 6 m 3,2 GHz jusqu'à 2,3 GHz),8 GB de Mémoire RAM DDR4 2133 MHz,5400rpm SATA HDD Disque Dur 1 to,Graphiques NVIDIA GeForce GTX950M,Sans système d'exploitation

Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 900 13 2.5GHz i7-6500U 13.3" 3200 x 1800Pixeles Pantalla táctil Platino, Plata - Ordenador portátil (i7-6500U, Touchpad, Windows 10 Home, Polímero de litio, 64 bits, Intel Core i7-6xxx)

Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 900 13 2.5GHz i7-6500U 13.3" 3200 x 1800Pixeles Pantalla táctil Platino, Plata - Ordenador portátil (i7-6500U, Touchpad, Windows 10 Home, Polímero de litio, 64 bits, Intel Core i7-6xxx) [Ordenador personal]



IP YOGA 900-13ISK(EU) CORE I7 [Personal Computer]


Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 900 13 2.5GHz i7-6500U 13.3" 3200 x 1800Pixels Touch screen Platino, Argento [Personal Computer]

Il Convertibile per eccellenza con 4 modalità: Laptop, Tent, Stand e Tablet,Il Convertibile più sottile al mondo con soli 14.9 mm e 1.29Kg,13.3" QHD con processore i7 di 6th generazione e WIN10,RAM 8GB e HDD da 512GB SSD


IP YOGA 900-13ISK(EU) CORE I7 [Personal Computer]


LENOVO YOGA 900-13ISK INTEL CORE I7-6500U (2 50 GHZ 4 MB) 13 1920X1080 DISPLAY

IP YOGA 900-13ISK(EU) CORE I7 [Computer & Zubehör]



Toshiba Portégé Z10t-A-146 - Ordenador portátil (i5-4220Y, Touchpad, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ión de litio, 64-bit, 4ª generación de procesadores Intel® Core(TM) i5)

Toshiba Portégé Z10t-A-146 - Ordenador portátil (i5-4220Y, Touchpad, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ión de litio, 64-bit, 4ª generación de procesadores Intel® Core(TM) i5)
Toshiba Portégé Z10t-A-146 - Ordenador portátil (i5-4220Y, Touchpad, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ión de litio, 64-bit, 4ª generación de procesadores Intel® Core(TM) i5) [Ordenador personal]

Toshiba Z10t-A-14611.6-inch Full HD Touchscreen Ultrabook with Detachable Screen and Digitizer Stylus (Intel Core i5-4220Y 1.6GHz, 4GB RAM RAM, 128GB SSD, Backlit Keys, TPM, 4G, Windows 8.1 Professional) [Personal Computer]

The Portege Z10t is Toshiba's first detachable Ultrabook combining the convenience of a tablet with the functionality of a laptop. Ideally suited to business professionals requiring a powerful but portable device that easily adapts to different usage situations, the Portege Z10t quickly transforms from an intuitive touchscreen Windows 8 Pro tablet into a traditional full performance laptop in just one click.,A category of extraordinarily responsive, stylish, and thin laptops ideal for people on the move. Ultrabook devices are laptops that are less than 21mm thick, offer long battery life, have fast boot up times and are powered by ULV Intel processors. The Z10t is Toshiba's first detachable Ultrabook,The Portege Z10t is a new alternative for those who want the flexibility of a laptop and a tablet in an extremely compact form. The Portege Z10t can be used to create presentations, work on spreadsheets, or easily perform multimedia tasks in both tablet and laptop modes. Additionally, when in tablet mode, the Portege Z10t can be used as a digital notepad, making it a convenient tool for meetings or seminars. Using an optional DigitizerPen, the Portege Z10t's handwriting recognition feature converts written on-screen notes into editable digital documents.

Toshiba PT141E-05C034EN - PORTEGE Z10T-A-146 CI5-4220Y - 4GB 128GB SSD 11.6 NOODD W8 PRO EN

Toshiba Portégé Z10t-A-146 [Personal Computer]

Toshiba Z10t-A-146 Ordinateur Portable 11.6 " Windows 8.1 Pro Gris [Personal Computer]

Toshiba Portégé Z10t-A-146

Toshiba Z10t-A-14611.6-inch Full HD Touchscreen Ultrabook with Detachable Screen and Digitizer Stylus (Intel Core i5-4220Y 1.6GHz, 4GB RAM RAM, 128GB SSD, Backlit Keys, TPM, 4G, Windows 8.1 Professional) [Computer & Zubehör]

Toshiba Portégé Z10t-A-146

TOSHIBA Z10t-A-146,11.6" FHD Touchscreen Ultrabook with Detachable Screen & Digitizer Stylus, Core i5-4220Y, 4GB RAM RAM [Personal Computer]

Toshiba Portégé Z10t-A-146

martes, 28 de junio de 2016


E5-574G-76T6 [Ordenador personal]


Intel Core i7-6500U - 4 GB - 500 GB - NVIDIA 920M - DVD - 15.6 FHD W10 Home

E5-574G-76T6 [Personal Computer]


Acer E5-574G-76T6 Aspire Notebook, Display da 15.6" FHD LED, Processore Intel Core i7-6500U, RAM 4GB, HDD da 500GB, Scheda Grafica NVIDIA GeForce 920M da 2GB, Grigio [Personal Computer]

Windows 10 Home,Display da 15.6" FHD LED (1920x1080),Processore Intel Core i7-6500U,RAM 4GB, 500 GB HDD,Scheda Grafica NVIDIA GeForce 920M 2 GB

ACER E5-574G-76T6 15.6" i7 2.5GHz RAM 4GB-HDD 500GB-GEFORCE 920M-WIN 10 HOME ITALIA (NX.G3BET.018)

E5-574G-76T6 [Personal Computer]


Intel Core i7-6500U - 4 GB - 500 GB - NVIDIA 920M - DVD - 15.6 FHD W10 Home

E5-574G-76T6 [Computer & Zubehör]


Intel Core i7-6500U - 4 GB - 500 GB - NVIDIA 920M - DVD - 15.6 FHD W10 Home

ACER PORTATIL E5-573G-54WG (NX.GGVEB.003) Core i5 4210U / 1.7 GHz - Win 10 Home 64 bit - 8 GB RAM - 1 TB HDD - sin ODD - 15.6 1366 x 768 ( HD ) - GF 940M - 802.11ac - negro, amarillo

ACER PORTATIL E5-573G-54WG (NX.GGVEB.003) Core i5 4210U / 1.7 GHz - Win 10 Home 64 bit - 8 GB RAM - 1 TB HDD - sin ODD - 15.6 1366 x 768 ( HD ) - GF 940M - 802.11ac - negro, amarillo
ACER PORTATIL E5-573G-54WG (NX.GGVEB.003) Core i5 4210U / 1.7 GHz - Win 10 Home 64 bit - 8 GB RAM - 1 TB HDD - sin ODD - 15.6 1366 x 768 ( HD ) - GF 940M - 802.11ac - negro, amarillo [CE]

RAM: 8GB,Disco Duro: 1000GB,Pantalla: 15.60",Sistema operativo: Windows 10,Procesador: Intel Core i5

ACER PORTATIL E5-573G-54WG (NX.GGVEB.003) Core i5 4210U / 1.7 GHz - Win 10 Home 64 bit - 8 GB RAM - 1 TB HDD - sin ODD - 15.6 1366 x 768 ( HD ) - GF 940M - 802.11ac - negro, amarillo

ACER portatile per illuminazione rampe E5-573 g) (-54WG NX.GGVEB.003 Core i5 4210U/1,7 GHz Home Win-10 64 bit-8 GB RAM, 1 TB-senza ODD-HDD 15,6 1366 x 768 (HD-GF 940 m-802,11ac-: Nero/Giallo [CE]

Hewlett Packard HP 17-p102ng 43,9cm (17,3 ) 4GB 1TB Win 10

Hewlett Packard HP 17-p102ng 43,9cm (17,3 ) 4GB 1TB Win 10
Hewlett Packard HP 17-p102ng 43,9cm (17,3 ) 4GB 1TB Win 10 [Ordenador personal]

Sistemas operativos:Windows 10 Home 64-bit Edition,Tipo de producto:Ordenador portátil

Unidad óptica:DVD±RW (±R DL) / DVD-RAM, Almacenamiento principal:1 TB HDD / 5400 rpm, Interfaz:SATA 3 Gb/s, Sonido:Altavoces estereofónicos , micrófono, Cumplimiento de normas:DTS Studio Sound, Resolución:640 x 480, Procesador gráfico:AMD Radeon R4, Cámara:Cámara web integrada, Capacidad:41 Wh, Tecnología:4 celdas Ion de litio, Inalámbrico:802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0, Características:Miracast, Interfaz de red:10/100 Ethernet, Interfaces:HDMI Š Toma combinada de auriculares/micrófono Š 2 x USB 2.0 Š USB 3.0 Š LAN, Lector de tarjeta de memoria:Sí ( Tarjeta SD ), Altura:2.77 cm, Peso:2.82 kg, Anchura:41.95 cm, Profundidad:27.9 cm, Pantalla panorámica:Sí, Características:HD+ BrightView, Resolución:1600 x 900 ( HD+ ), Tecnología de retroiluminación de LCD:Luz trasera WLED, Tipo:17.3", Accesorios incluidos:Transformador eléctrico, Localización:Alemán / Alemania, Color:Negro, textura lineal, Características:Ranura de bloqueo de seguridad (bloqueo de cable de venta por separado), contraseña de encendido, HP 3D DriveGuard, Características:Touchpad multitáctil, almohadilla táctil con reconocimiento de gestos, teclado numérico incorporado, Tipo:Teclado, imagepad, Certificación ENERGY STAR:Sí, RAM:4 GB ( 1 x 4 GB ), Velocidad:1600 MHz, Factor de forma:SO DIMM 204-PIN, Tecnología:DDR3L SDRAM, Número de núcleos:Quad-Core, Caché:2 MB, Computación de 64 bits:Sí, CPU:AMD Serie A A6-6310 / 1.8 GHz, Software incluido:Skype, EverNote, HP Games Powered by WildTangent, Netflix, McAfee LiveSafe (30 días de evaluación), Dropbox (almacenamiento en la nube de 25 GB) (gratuito durante 6 meses), HP Lounge, Entrada:CA 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz ), Salida:45 vatios

HP 17-p102ng 43,9cm (17,3 ) 4GB 1TB Win 10 [Personal Computer]

Hewlett Packard HP 17-p102ng 43,9cm (17,3 ) 4GB 1TB Win 10 [Personal Computer]

Uscita:45 Watt, Ingresso:120/230 V c.a. ( 50/60 Hz ), Processore grafico:AMD Radeon R4, Standard di conformità:DTS Studio Sound, Macchina fotografica:Webcam integrata, Audio:Altoparlanti stereo , microfono, Risoluzione:640 x 480, Capacità:41 Wh, Tecnologia:4 celle Ioni di litio, Wireless:802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0, Caratteristiche:Miracast, Interfaccia di rete:10/100 Ethernet, Interfacce:HDMI Š Jack combinato per cuffia/microfono Š 2 x USB 2.0 Š USB 3.0 Š LAN, Lettore di schede di memoria:Sì ( Scheda SD ), Altezza:2.77 cm, Larghezza:41.95 cm, Peso:2.82 kg, Profondità:27.9 cm, Sistema operativo:Windows 10 Home 64-bit Edition, Tipo prodotto:Notebook, Caratteristiche:Touchpad multi-touch, touchpad con gesture supportate, tastierina numerica incorporata, Tipo:Tastiera, imagepad, Interfaccia:SATA 3 Gb/s, Unità ottica:DVD±RW (±R DL) / DVD-RAM, Storage principale:1 TB HDD / 5400 rpm, Fattore di forma:SO DIMM 204-pin, Tecnologia:DDR3L SDRAM, RAM:4 GB ( 1 x 4 GB ), Velocità:1600 MHz, Caratteristiche:Foro per blocco di sicurezza (blocco per cavo venduto separatamente), password all'accensione, HP 3D DriveGuard, Localizzazione:Tedesco / Germania, Accessori in dotazione:Alimentatore, Colore:Nero, design a linee, Calcolo a 64 bit:Sì, Cache:2 MB, CPU:AMD serie A A6-6310 / 1.8 GHz, N. core:Quad-Core, Caratteristiche:HD+ BrightView, Risoluzione:1600 x 900 ( HD+ ), Tecnologia con LCD retroilluminato:Retroilluminazione WLED, Schermo largo:Sì, Tipo:17.3", Software incluso:Skype, EverNote, HP Games Powered by WildTangent, Netflix, McAfee LiveSafe (30 giorni di prova), Dropbox (25 GB Cloud Storage) (gratis per 6 mesi), HP Lounge, Certificato ENERGY STAR:Sì

Hewlett Packard HP 17-p102ng 43,9cm (17,3 ) 4Go / GB 1TB Win 10 [Personal Computer]

Système d'exploitation:Windows 10 Home édition 64 bits,Type de Produit:Ordinateur portable

Entrée:CA 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz ), Sortie:45 Watt, Technologie de rétroéclairage LCD:Rétroéclairage WLED, Grand écran:Oui, Type:17.3", Résolution:1600 x 900 ( HD+ ), Fonctions:HD+ BrightView, Caméra:Webcam intégrée, Son:Haut-parleurs stéréo , microphone, Conformité aux normes:DTS Studio Sound, Résolution:640 x 480, Processeur graphique:AMD Radeon R4, Technologie:4 éléments Lithium Ion, Capacité:41 Wh, Interface réseau:10/100 Ethernet, Sans fil:802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0, Fonctions:Miracast, Lecteur de carte mémoire:Oui ( carte SD ), Interfaces:HDMI Š Prise combo casque/microphone Š 2 x USB 2.0 Š USB 3.0 Š LAN, Hauteur:2.77 cm, Poids:2.82 kg, Profondeur:27.9 cm, Largeur:41.95 cm, Caractéristiques:Logement pour câble antivol (câble vendu séparément), mot de passe à la mise sous tension, HP 3D DriveGuard, Couleur:Noir, texture linéaire, Localisation:Allemand / Allemagne, Accessoires inclus:Adaptateur d'alimentation, Caractéristiques:Pavé tactile multi-touches, pavé tactile multi-gestes, clavier numérique intégré, Type:Clavier, application ImagePad, Logiciel inclus:Skype, EverNote, HP Games Powered by WildTangent, Netflix, McAfee LiveSafe (version d'évaluation de 30 jours), Dropbox (25 GB de stcokage en nuage) (6 mois gratuits), HP Lounge, Technologie:DDR3L SDRAM, RAM:4 Go ( 1 x 4 Go ), Vitesse:1600 MHz, Facteur de Forme:SO DIMM 204 broches, ENERGY STAR:Oui, Technologie 64 bits:Oui, Nombre de coeurs:Quadricœur, CPU:AMD série A A6-6310 / 1.8 GHz, Cache:2 Mo, Stockage principal:1 To HDD / 5400 tours/min, Lecteur optique:DVD±RW (±R DL) / DVD-RAM, Interface:SATA 3 Gb/s

HP (17-p102ng) 43,9 cm (17,3 Zoll / HD+) Notebook (AMD Quad-Core A6-6310, 4 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, Windows 10) schwarz [Computer & Zubehör]

Prozessor: AMD Quad-Core A6-6310 APU (1,8 GHz, bis zu 2,4 GHz, 2 MB Cache); Grafikkarte: AMD Radeon R4-Grafikkarte,Besonderheiten: Lange Akkubetriebsdauer, HD+ Bildschirm, DTS Studio Sound, SuperMulti DVD-Brenner, 25 GB Cloudspeicher (Dropbox), HP 3D DriveGuard (schützt die Festplatte vor Erschütterungen),Akku: Li-Ion-Akku, 4 Zellen, 41 Wh; Vom Benutzer austauschbarer Akku; Anschlüße: HDMI, Kopfhörer/Mikrofon kombiniert, 2x USB 2.0, USB 3.0, RJ-45, SD-Kartenleser für Medien verschiedener Formate,Herstellergarantie: 12 Monate bei Verkauf und Versand durch Amazon. Bei Verkauf und Versand durch einen Drittanbieter gelten die Angaben des jeweiligen Verkäufers,Lieferumfang: HP Notebook (17-p102ng) 43,9 cm (17,3 Zoll / HD+) Laptop schwarz

4 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, DVD SuperMulti, 43.9cm/17.3 1600 x 900 ( HD+ ), AMD Radeon R4, Schwarz, linear texture

lunes, 27 de junio de 2016


V3-372-55MZ [Ordenador personal]



V3-372-55MZ [Personal Computer]


Acer V3-372-55MZ Aspire Notebook, Display da 13.3" HD LED, Processore Intel Core i5-6267U, RAM 4GB, SSD da 256 GB, Bianco [Personal Computer]

Windows 10 Home,Display 13.3" HD LED (1366 x 768),Processore Intel Core i5-6267U,RAM 4GB, 256 GB SSD,Completo di tastiera QWERTY

ACER V3-372-55MZ 13.3" i5 2.9GHz RAM 4GB-SSD 256GB-WIN 10 HOME ITALIA WHITE (NX.G7AET.014)

V3-372-55MZ [Personal Computer]



V3-372-55MZ [Computer & Zubehör]



iBenzer - tapa dura de plš¢stico de la serie Soft-Touch de 13 pulgadas MacBook Pro 13,3 '' con pantalla Retina (Modelo: A1502 / A1425), Verde MMP13R-GN

iBenzer - tapa dura de plš¢stico de la serie Soft-Touch de 13 pulgadas MacBook Pro 13,3 '' con pantalla Retina (Modelo: A1502 / A1425), Verde MMP13R-GN
iBenzer - tapa dura de plš¢stico de la serie Soft-Touch de 13 pulgadas MacBook Pro 13,3 '' con pantalla Retina (Modelo: A1502 / A1425), Verde MMP13R-GN [CE]

iBenzer Soft Touch Serie del estuche ršªgido,El caso sš®lo se ajusta para Macbook Pro 13 "on Retina Display (A1502 / A1425)),Compruebe por favor amablemente el nš²mero de modelo '' A1xxx '' en la parte posterior de la computadora portš¢til antes de comprar,ADVERTENCIA: Este caso no puede caber Macbook Pro de 13 '', Macbook Blanco 13 '', MacBook Air 13 '',Dimensiones de la caja: 12,5 x 8,8 x 0,9 pulgadas MacBook Pro de 13 '' con Retina Display Dimensiones: 12.35 x 8.62 x 0.71 pulgadas

iBenzer & registro; Touch & Soft comercio; Caso duro de la serie
Caso compatible con

Apple Macbook Pro 13 "con la š²nica pantalla de la retina
Modelo: A1502 / A1425

Caso no es compatible con

• Macbook Pro de 13 '' (A1278)
• MacBook Air 13 '' (A1466 / A1369)
• Macbook Air 11 '' (A1465 / A1370)
• Macbook Blanco 13 ''
• Macbook de edad con teclado de plata (A1260)
• Macbook 12 '' con pantalla de la retina (A1534)
• Macbook Pro de 15 '' con pantalla de la retina (A1398)
• Macbook Pro

iBenzer - Soft-Skin Smooth Finish Soft-Touch Plastic Hard Case Cover for Macbook Macbook Pro 13.3'' with Retina display NO CD-ROM, Green MMP13R-GN [CE]

The case does NOT include a Keyboard Cover and only fits for Macbook Pro 13" with Retina Display NO CD-ROM(A1502 / A1425),Please kindly check the model number ''A1xxx'' on the back of the laptop BEFORE you purchase.,WARNING: This case can't Fit Macbook Pro 13'', Macbook White 13'', Macbook Air 13'',Case Dimension: 12.5 x 8.8 x 0.9 inch Macbook Pro 13'' with Retina Display Dimension: 12.35 x 8.62 x 0.71 inch,This product is sold exclusively by iBenzer. iBenzer, Inc. is the only authorized seller on Amazon. Only buy from iBenzer to get genuine iBenzer products with manufacturer warranty and superb customer service. Products purchased not from iBenzer, Inc. are counterfeit; we will NOT honor the warranty if the product was purchased from unauthorized seller.

iBenzer® Soft Skin™ Hard Case Series

Case Compatible with

Apple Macbook Pro 13" with Retina Display NO CD ROM only
Model: A1502 / A1425

Case NOT Compatible with

• Macbook Pro 13'' (A1278)
• Macbook Air 13'' (A1466 / A1369)
• Macbook Air 11'' (A1465 / A1370)
• Macbook White 13''
• Old Macbook with silver keyboard (A1260)
• Macbook 12'' with Retina Display (A1534)
• Macbook Pro 15'' with Retina Display (A1398)
• Macbook Pro 15'' / 15.4'' (A1286)


• Snap on design, easy on easy off
• Fully access to all buttons and features
• Plug your charger, cable or headset without removing the case
• Transparency is different from color to color, Black and Gold are nontransparent
• Super light-weight full protection solution for the exquisite finish of the Apple Macbook


Case Dimension: 12.5 x 8.8 x 0.9 inch
Macbook Pro 13'' with Retina Display Dimension: 12.35 x 8.62 x 0.71 inch

All images Copyright© 2015 iBenzer. All right reserved.
iBenzer is registered trademark of iBenzer, Inc. and is exclusively distributed by iBenzer, Inc. on Amazon. iBenzer® is protected by EU Trademark Law.

*** Apple MacBook are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Products are Apple compatible and not endorsed by Apple, Inc.

iBenzer - copertura in plastica duro di serie Soft-Touch per 13 pollici MacBook Pro 13.3 '' con display Retina (Modello: A1502 / A1425), Verde MMP13R-GN [CE]

iBenzer Soft Touch serie Hard Case,Caso si adatta solo per MacBook Pro 13 "con Retina Display (A1502 / A1425),Si prega gentilmente di verificare il numero di modello '' A1xxx '' sul retro del portatile prima di acquistare,ATTENZIONE: Questo caso non puš° andare bene MacBook Pro 13 '', Macbook bianco 13 '', MacBook Air 13 '',Caso Dimensioni: 12,5 x 8,8 x 0,9 pollici MacBook Pro 13 '' con Retina Display Dimensioni: 12.35 x 8.62 x 0.71 pollici

iBenzer Soft Skin & trade; Duro di serie di caso

Custodia Compatibile con

Apple Macbook Pro 13 "con Retina display solo
Modello: A1502 / A1425

Caso non šš compatibile con

• MacBook Pro 13 '' (A1278)
• MacBook Air 13 '' (A1466 / A1369)
• MacBook Air 11 '' (A1465 / A1370)
• Macbook bianco 13 ''
• Vecchio MacBook con tastiera d'argento (A1260)
• Macbook 12 '' con Retina Display (A1534)
• MacBook Pro 15 '' con Retina Display (A1398)
• MacBook Pro 15 '' / 15.4 '' (A1286)


iBenzer - SšŠrie Soft-Touch en plastique dur Cover pour 13 pouces Macbook Pro 13.3 '' avec šŠcran Retina (Modššle: A1502 / A1425), Vert MMP13R-GN [CE]

iBenzer Soft Touch dur Case Series,La bo?te est compatible uniquement avec Macbook Pro 13 "avec Retina Display (A1502 / A1425),S'il vous pla?t bien vouloir všŠrifier le numšŠro de modššle '' A1xxx '' sur le dos de l'ordinateur portable avant d'acheter.,AVERTISSEMENT: Ce cas ne peut pas Fit Macbook Pro 13 '', Macbook Blanc 13 '', Macbook Air 13 '',Dimension du bo?tier: 12,5 x 8,8 x 0,9 pouces Macbook Pro 13 '' avec Retina Display Dimension: 12,35 x 8,62 x 0,71 pouces

iBenzer & reg; Soft Skin & trade; SšŠrie Hard Case

Case Compatible avec

Apple Macbook Pro 13 "vec Retina Display seulement
Modššle: A1502 / A1425

Case pas compatible avec

& bull; Macbook Pro 13 '' (A1278)
& bull; Macbook Air 13 '' (A1466 / A1369)
& bull; Macbook Air 11 '' (A1465 / A1370)
& bull; Macbook Blanc 13 ''
& bull; Vieux Macbook avec clavier d'argent (A1260)
& bull; Macbook 12 '' avec Retina Display (A1534)
& bull; Macbook Pro 15 '' avec Retina Display (A1398)
& bull; Macbook Pro 15 '' / 15.4 '' (A1286)

iBenzer - Soft-Skin-Serie Soft-Touch Kunststoffabdeckung des schweren Kastens f¨¹r 13 inches Macbook Pro 13.3'' with Retina display (Model: A1502 / A1425 ), Gr¨¹n MMP13R-GN [CE]

iBenzer Soft-Skin-Serie Kunststoffabdeckung des schweren Kastens,Der Kasten passt nur Macbook Pro 13'' mit Retina Display(Model: A1425/A1502),,Wir bitten Sie, die Modellnummer "A1xxx" auf der R¨¹ckseite des Laptops zu ¨¹berpr¨¹fen, bevor Sie kaufen.,ACHTUNG: Dies fall nicht Passen mit Macbook Air 11'', Macbook Pro 13'', Macbook Air 13'' Macbook Pro 15¡° mit Retina Display,Kasten Dimension: 12.5 x 8.8 x 0.9 zoll Macbook Pro 13'' mit Retina Display Dimension: 12.35 x 8.62 x 0.71 zoll

iBenzer - Soft-Skin? Serie Kunststoffabdeckung

Kasten kompatibel damit

Apple Macbook Pro 13" mit Retina Display nur
Model: A1425/A1502

Kasten nicht kompatibel damit

• Macbook Pro 13'' (A1278)
• Macbook Air 13'' (A1466 / A1369)
• Macbook Air 11'' (A1465 / A1370)
• Macbook White 13''
• Old Macbook mit silver keyboard (A1260)
• Macbook 12'' mit Retina Display (A1534)
• Macbook Pro 15'' mit Retina Display (A1398)
• Macbook Pro 15'' / 15.4'' (A1286)

Technische Daten

• Schnapp auf Design, einfach auf leicht aus
• Vollst?ndiger Zugriff auf alle Tasten und Funktionen
• Schlie?en Sie Ihr Ladeger?t, Kabel oder Kopfh?rer, ohne den Kasten zu entfernen
• Transparenz ist von Farbe zu Farbe verschieden, Schwarze und Gold sind nicht transparent.
• Superleichte Vollschutzl?sung f¨¹r die exquisite Beschaffenheit des Apple-Macbook


Kasten Dimension: 12.5 x 8.8 x 0.9 zoll
Macbook Pro 13'' with Retina Display Dim

iBenzer - 2 in 1 Soft-Skin Smooth Finish Soft-Touch Plastic Hard Case Cover & Keyboard Cover for Macbook Pro 13.3'' with Retina display NO CD-ROM, Green MMP13R-GN+1 [Personal Computer]

The case only fits for Macbook Pro 13" with Retina Display NO CD-ROM(A1502 / A1425),Please kindly check the model number ''A1xxx'' on the back of the laptop BEFORE you purchase.,WARNING: This case can't Fit Macbook Pro 13'', Macbook White 13'', Macbook Air 13'',Case Dimension: 12.5 x 8.8 x 0.9 inch Macbook Pro 13'' with Retina Display Dimension: 12.35 x 8.62 x 0.71 inch,This product is sold exclusively by iBenzer. iBenzer, Inc. is the only authorized seller on Amazon. Only buy from iBenzer to get genuine iBenzer products with manufacturer warranty and superb customer service. Products purchased not from iBenzer, Inc. are counterfeit; we will NOT honor the warranty if the product was purchased from unauthorized seller.

iBenzer® Soft Skin™ Hard Case Series

Case Compatible with

Apple Macbook Pro 13" with Retina Display / NO CD-ROM
Model: A1502 / A1425

Case NOT Compatible with

• Macbook Pro 13'' (A1278)
• Macbook Air 13'' (A1466 / A1369)
• Macbook Air 11'' (A1465 / A1370)
• Macbook White 13''
• Old Macbook with silver keyboard (A1260)
• Macbook 12'' with Retina Display (A1534)
• Macbook Pro 15'' with Retina Display (A1398)
• Macbook Pro 15'' / 15.4'' (A1286)


Case Dimension: 12.5 x 8.8 x 0.9 inch
Macbook Pro 13'' with Retina Display Dimension: 12.35 x 8.62 x 0.71 inch

All images Copyright© 2015 iBenzer. All right reserved.
iBenzer is registered trademark of iBenzer, Inc. and is exclusively distributed by iBenzer, Inc. on Amazon. iBenzer® is protected by US Trademark Law.

Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBY - Portátil de 15.6" (Intel Celeron N2840, 4 GB de RAM, Disco HDD de 500 GB, Intel HD Graphics, Sin sistema operativo FreeDOS), negro -Teclado QWERTY Español

Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBY - Portátil de 15.6" (Intel Celeron N2840, 4 GB de RAM, Disco HDD de 500 GB, Intel HD Graphics, Sin sistema operativo FreeDOS), negro -Teclado QWERTY Español [Ordenador personal]

Pantalla de 15.6" 768x1366 con tecnología LED FWXGA,Disco HDD de 500 GB a 5400 rpm con interfaz serial_ata,Memoria RAM de 4 GB a 1333 MHz con tecnología DDR3,Procesador Intel Celeron_N2840 a 2.16 GHz,Gráficos Intel HD Graphics

LEN 100-15IBY N284 4/500 15W FREE

Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBY-PC Portatile 15,6 "", Intel Celeron N2840, 4 GB Di RAM, Disco HDD 500 GB, Intel HD Graphics, Due, Spagnolo QWERTY-Teclado Nero [Personal Computer]

Schermo 15,6" 1366 X 768 con Tecnologia LED FWXGA,Disco HDD da 500 GB a 5400 giri/min, interfaccia serial_ata,RAM 4 GB con Tecnologia a 1333 MHz DDR3,Processore Intel Celeron_n2840 a 2,16 GHz,Grafici Intel HD Graphics

Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBY-Ordinateur Portable 15,6" (N2840 Intel Celeron 4GB de RAM Disque Dur 500GB Intel HD Graphics 2),-Teclado Espagnol QWERTY-Noir [Personal Computer]

Ecran 15,6" 1366 X 768 avec Technologie LED FWXGA,Disque dur de 500 GB à 5400 tr/min interface serial_ata,RAM 4GB de Mémoire à avec Technologie DDR3 1333 MHz,Processeur Intel Celeron_n2840 à 2,16 GHz,Graphique Intel HD Graphics

domingo, 26 de junio de 2016

MSI Gaming GE62 6QD(Apache Pro)-1033XES 2.6GHz i7-6700HQ 15.6" 1920 x 1080Pixeles Negro - Ordenador portátil (i7-6700HQ, DVD Super Multi, Touchpad, FreeDOS, Ión de litio, Intel Core i7-6xxx)

MSI Gaming GE62 6QD(Apache Pro)-1033XES 2.6GHz i7-6700HQ 15.6" 1920 x 1080Pixeles Negro - Ordenador portátil (i7-6700HQ, DVD Super Multi, Touchpad, FreeDOS, Ión de litio, Intel Core i7-6xxx) [Ordenador personal]

MSI GE62 6QD-1033XES i7-6700HQ/GTX960M/16GB/1TB+256GB SSD/15.6"/FreeDos

MSI GE62 6QD-1033XES i7-6700HQ/GTX960M/16GB/1TB 256GB SSD/15.6"/FreeDos

MSI Gaming GE62 6QD(Apache Pro)-1033XES 2.6GHz i7-6700HQ 15.6" 1920 x 1080Pixels Nero [Personal Computer]

MSI Gaming GE62 6QD (Apache Pro)-1033XES 2,6GHz I 7-6700HQ 15,6" 1920 x 1080Pixeles Noir-PC portable (I 7-6700HQ Super Multi DVD Touchpad FreeDOS Li-ion 6ème génération de processeurs (TM) intel® Core i7) [Personal Computer]

Amd E1 6010 70-35 g

Amd E1 6010 70-35 g
Amd E1 6010 70-35 g [Ordenador personal]

Amd E1 6010 70-35 g [Personal Computer]

Lenovo G70-35 Ordinateur Portable 17" Noir (AMD E1, 4 Go de RAM, Disque dur 500 Go, AMD Radeon R2, Windows 10) [Personal Computer]

Ecran 17 pouces - 1600 x 900,Stockage et mémoire : disque dur 500 Go, RAM 4 Go,Processeur : AMD E1 6010 1.35 Ghz,Carte Graphique : AMD Radeon 2 Go,1 port(s) HDMI; 2 port(s) USB 2.0; 1 port(s) USB 3.0; 1 port(s) Ethernet;

500G 4G 1600X900 W10 FR

Acer Revo M2-601 2.3GHz i3-6100U - Ordenador de sobremesa (i3-6100U, 64 bits, Unidad de disco duro, Intel Core i3-6xxx, Negro, Intel HD Graphics 520)

Acer Revo M2-601 2.3GHz i3-6100U - Ordenador de sobremesa (i3-6100U, 64 bits, Unidad de disco duro, Intel Core i3-6xxx, Negro, Intel HD Graphics 520)
Acer Revo M2-601 2.3GHz i3-6100U - Ordenador de sobremesa (i3-6100U, 64 bits, Unidad de disco duro, Intel Core i3-6xxx, Negro, Intel HD Graphics 520) [Ordenador personal]

Acer Revo M2-601 2.3GHz i3-6100U [Personal Computer]

Acer Revo Build M2-601 Unité Centrale Modulable Noir (Intel Core i3, 4 Go de RAM, Disque Dur 500 Go, Windows 10) [Personal Computer]

Livré sans écran,Stockage et mémoire : Disque dur 500 Go, 4 Go de RAM,Processeur : Intel Core i3 3-6100U 2.3 Ghz,Carte Graphique : Intel HD Graphics 520,1 port HDMI, 3 ports USB 3.0, 1 port Ethernet, 1 prise jack

Q3.L05LB.A00 IN

sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

ASUS A540SA-XX029D - Portátil de 15.6" (Intel Celeron N3050, 4 GB de RAM, tarjeta grafica integrada, sin Sistema Operativo) chocolate negro - teclado QWERTY Español

ASUS A540SA-XX029D - Portátil de 15.6" (Intel Celeron N3050, 4 GB de RAM, tarjeta grafica integrada, sin Sistema Operativo) chocolate negro - teclado QWERTY Español [Ordenador personal]

Pantalla de 15.6 pulgadas (LED retroiluminado),Memoria RAM de 4 GB,Procesador Intel Celeron N3050,Sin Sistema Operativo

Asus A540SA-XX029D N3050/HD Graphics/4GB/500GB/15.6"/FreeDos Plata

HP 250 G4 2.3GHz i5-6200U 15.6" 1366 x 768Pixeles Negro - Ordenador portátil (i5-6200U, DVD±RW, Touchpad, FreeDOS, Ión de litio, 6ª generación de procesadores Intel® Core(TM) i5)

HP 250 G4 2.3GHz i5-6200U 15.6" 1366 x 768Pixeles Negro - Ordenador portátil (i5-6200U, DVD±RW, Touchpad, FreeDOS, Ión de litio, 6ª generación de procesadores Intel® Core(TM) i5) [Ordenador personal]

Procesador Intel Core i5-6200U 2.8 GHz, 2 núcleos, caché del procesador3 MB, socket BGA1356,Memoria interna DDR3L-SDRAM 1600 MHz 8 GB, 2x SO-DIMM,Disco duro HDD SATA 500 Gb, 5400 RPM,Tarjetas de memoria compatibles SD,SDHC,SDXC,Pantalla de 15.6" 1366 x 768 Píxeles, con retroiluminación LED, 16:9 SVA,Gráficos Intel HD Graphics 520

HP 250 G4 2.3GHz i5-6200U 15.6\ 1366 x 768Pixeles Negro"

HP 250 G4 2.3GHz i5-6200U 15.6" 1366 x 768Pixels Nero [Personal Computer]

HP 250 G4 2,3GHz I 5-6200U 15,6" Noir-1366 x 768Pixeles (I 5-6200U PC portable DVD ±RW Touchpad FreeDOS Li-ion 6ème génération de processeurs (TM) intel® Core i5) [Personal Computer]

MSI Gaming GE72 6QD(Apache Pro)-615ES 2.6GHz i7-6700HQ 17.3" 1920 x 1080Pixeles Negro - Ordenador portátil (i7-6700HQ, DVD Super Multi, Touchpad, Windows 10 Home, Ión de litio, 64 bits)

MSI Gaming GE72 6QD(Apache Pro)-615ES 2.6GHz i7-6700HQ 17.3" 1920 x 1080Pixeles Negro - Ordenador portátil (i7-6700HQ, DVD Super Multi, Touchpad, Windows 10 Home, Ión de litio, 64 bits) [Ordenador personal]

MSI GE72 6QD-615ES i7-6700HQ/GTX960M/16GB/1TB+256GB SSD/17.3"/W10

MSI GE72 6QD-615ES i7-6700HQ/GTX960M/16GB/1TB 256GB SSD/17.3"/W10

MSI Gaming GE72 6QD(Apache Pro)-615ES 2.6GHz i7-6700HQ 17.3" 1920 x 1080Pixels Nero [Personal Computer]

MSI Gaming GE72 6QD (Apache Pro)-615ES 2,6GHz I 7-6700HQ 17,3" 1920 x 1080Pixeles Noir-PC portable (I 7-6700HQ Super Multi DVD Touchpad Windows 10 Home Li-ion 64-bit) [Personal Computer]

viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Apple Macbook - Portátil de 12" Retina (Intel Core M5 1.2GHz, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 515) Silver - Teclado QWERTY Español

Apple Macbook - Portátil de 12" Retina (Intel Core M5 1.2GHz, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 515) Silver - Teclado QWERTY Español [Ordenador personal]

Procesador Intel Core M5 hasta 2.7 GHz,Memoria RAM de 8 GB,Disco SSD de 512 GB,Gráficos Intel HD Graphics 515,MacOS X El Capitan

Portátil Apple MacBook MLHC2Y/A - 30,5 cm (12\) - Pantalla Retina, Tecnología IPS de Variación en el Plano - Plata - Intel Core M - Dual-core (2 Core) 1,20 GHz"

Apple MacBook [Personal Computer]

Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop(Versin EE.UU., importado)

Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop(Versin EE.UU., importado)
Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop(Versin EE.UU., importado) [Ordenador personal]

Intel Core i5-4210U 1.7 GHz (3 MB Cache),8 GB LPDDR3 RAM,256 GB Solid-State Drive,13.3-Inch Touchscreen, Intel HD Graphics 4400,Windows 8.1, 8-hour battery life

Acer Aspire R7-371T-57SN Convertible Touch Notebook comes with these high level specs: 4th Generation Intel Core i5-4210U Processor 1.7GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.7GHz, Windows 8.1, 13.3\" Full HD (1920 x 1080) widescreen LED-backlit IPS display, Multi-touch screen, supporting 10-finger touch, Intel HD Graphics 4400, 8GB of LPDDR3 SDRAM Onboard Memory, 256GB SSD in RAID 0 configuration, Secure Digital (SD) card reader, 802.11AC Wi-Fi featuring MIMO technology (Dual-Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz), Bluetooth 4.0, Built-In HD Webcam, 1 - USB 2.0 Port, 2 - USB 3.0 Ports, 1 - HDMI Port, 4-cell Li-ion Battery (3220 mAh), Up to 8-hours Battery Life, 3.31 lbs. | 1.5 kg (system unit only)

Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop(Versione USA, importato) [Personal Computer]

Intel Core i5-4210U 1.7 GHz (3 MB Cache),8 GB LPDDR3 RAM,256 GB Solid-State Drive,13.3-Inch Touchscreen, Intel HD Graphics 4400,Windows 8.1, 8-hour battery life

Acer Aspire R7-371T-57SN Convertible Touch Notebook comes with these high level specs: 4th Generation Intel Core i5-4210U Processor 1.7GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.7GHz, Windows 8.1, 13.3\" Full HD (1920 x 1080) widescreen LED-backlit IPS display, Multi-touch screen, supporting 10-finger touch, Intel HD Graphics 4400, 8GB of LPDDR3 SDRAM Onboard Memory, 256GB SSD in RAID 0 configuration, Secure Digital (SD) card reader, 802.11AC Wi-Fi featuring MIMO technology (Dual-Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz), Bluetooth 4.0, Built-In HD Webcam, 1 - USB 2.0 Port, 2 - USB 3.0 Ports, 1 - HDMI Port, 4-cell Li-ion Battery (3220 mAh), Up to 8-hours Battery Life, 3.31 lbs. | 1.5 kg (system unit only)

Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop(US Version, Importe) [Personal Computer]

Intel Core i5-4210U 1.7 GHz (3 MB Cache),8 GB LPDDR3 RAM,256 GB Solid-State Drive,13.3-Inch Touchscreen, Intel HD Graphics 4400,Windows 8.1, 8-hour battery life

Acer Aspire R7-371T-57SN Convertible Touch Notebook comes with these high level specs: 4th Generation Intel Core i5-4210U Processor 1.7GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.7GHz, Windows 8.1, 13.3\" Full HD (1920 x 1080) widescreen LED-backlit IPS display, Multi-touch screen, supporting 10-finger touch, Intel HD Graphics 4400, 8GB of LPDDR3 SDRAM Onboard Memory, 256GB SSD in RAID 0 configuration, Secure Digital (SD) card reader, 802.11AC Wi-Fi featuring MIMO technology (Dual-Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz), Bluetooth 4.0, Built-In HD Webcam, 1 - USB 2.0 Port, 2 - USB 3.0 Ports, 1 - HDMI Port, 4-cell Li-ion Battery (3220 mAh), Up to 8-hours Battery Life, 3.31 lbs. | 1.5 kg (system unit only)

Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop(US Version, importiert) [Computer & Zubehör]

Intel Core i5-4210U 1.7 GHz (3 MB Cache),8 GB LPDDR3 RAM,256 GB Solid-State Drive,13.3-Inch Touchscreen, Intel HD Graphics 4400,Windows 8.1, 8-hour battery life

Acer Aspire R7-371T-57SN Convertible Touch Notebook comes with these high level specs: 4th Generation Intel Core i5-4210U Processor 1.7GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.7GHz, Windows 8.1, 13.3\" Full HD (1920 x 1080) widescreen LED-backlit IPS display, Multi-touch screen, supporting 10-finger touch, Intel HD Graphics 4400, 8GB of LPDDR3 SDRAM Onboard Memory, 256GB SSD in RAID 0 configuration, Secure Digital (SD) card reader, 802.11AC Wi-Fi featuring MIMO technology (Dual-Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz), Bluetooth 4.0, Built-In HD Webcam, 1 - USB 2.0 Port, 2 - USB 3.0 Ports, 1 - HDMI Port, 4-cell Li-ion Battery (3220 mAh), Up to 8-hours Battery Life, 3.31 lbs. | 1.5 kg (system unit only)

Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop [Personal Computer]

Intel Core i5-4210U 1.7 GHz (3 MB Cache),8 GB LPDDR3 RAM,256 GB Solid-State Drive,13.3-Inch Touchscreen, Intel HD Graphics 4400,Windows 8.1, 8-hour battery life

Acer Aspire R7-371T-57SN Convertible Touch Notebook comes with these high level specs: 4th Generation Intel Core i5-4210U Processor 1.7GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.7GHz, Windows 8.1, 13.3\" Full HD (1920 x 1080) widescreen LED-backlit IPS display, Multi-touch screen, supporting 10-finger touch, Intel HD Graphics 4400, 8GB of LPDDR3 SDRAM Onboard Memory, 256GB SSD in RAID 0 configuration, Secure Digital (SD) card reader, 802.11AC Wi-Fi featuring MIMO technology (Dual-Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz), Bluetooth 4.0, Built-In HD Webcam, 1 - USB 2.0 Port, 2 - USB 3.0 Ports, 1 - HDMI Port, 4-cell Li-ion Battery (3220 mAh), Up to 8-hours Battery Life, 3.31 lbs. | 1.5 kg (system unit only)

Acer Aspire R 13 R7-371T-57SN 13.3-Inch Full HD Convertible 2 in 1 Touchscreen Laptop [Personal Computer]

Intel Core i5-4210U 1.7 GHz (3 MB Cache),8 GB LPDDR3 RAM,256 GB Solid-State Drive,13.3-Inch Touchscreen, Intel HD Graphics 4400,Windows 8.1, 8-hour battery life

X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U

X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U
X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U [Ordenador personal]


X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U

£X540LA/15/I5/4G/500G/FRD [Personal Computer]


Asus X540LA-XX112D Notebook, Display da 15.6 Pollici HD LED, Processore Intel Corei5-5200U, RAM 4 GB, Hard Disk 500GB, Marrone [Personal Computer]

FreeDos,Progettato per la produttività e l'intrattenimento,Connessioni più veloci e più facili con USB Type-C,Audio eccezionale, messo a punto da esperti: tecnologia Asus SonicMaster

ASUSTEK X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U 500GB 4GB X540LA-XX112D |15.6 DVD FREEDOS IN

X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U [Personal Computer]


X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U

X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U [Computer & Zubehör]


X540LA-XX112D CI5 5200U